review: crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo

April 3, 2017

I would have come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting.

This is a review containing minor spoilers which can also be viewed HERE.

My feelings are shattered like a million stars over the night skies. I’m not sure anymore what to feel or what to do. My life seems so empty now that i finished Crooked Kingdom and I don’t know what to do with it. I finished the book almost three weeks ago but my brain was not able to order my thoughts enough to write an adequate review. I’m not even sure whether this one will be really helpful. After reading Six of Crows I couldn’t wait to dive right into the second books – my beloved Dregs were waiting for me in Ketterdam and I yearend for more adventures with them. I thought I loved them after finishing the first book – but after reading the second one my love was taken to a new level.

All of the six main characters got more depth and Leigh Bardugo gave me more insight in their believes as well as their stories. I fell in love with each of them again and again – not able choosing a favourite. All of them had their flaws and edges. But they also were lovable no matter how antagonistic they seemed from time to time. It’s mostly their tragic and sometimes heartbreaking background that makes them act as they do. Especially through the POVs of them you get a whole new view. I also think it is really important to see that some of the characters had to actually deal with serious problems like getting away from a gambling addiction, the aftermath of taking drugs and dealing with forced prostitution while learing to trust again. These motives could easily be used for the plot without facing the consequences but Leigh Bardugo choose not to ignore them. And this gave Kaz, Inej, Nina, Matthias, Jesper and Wylan even more depth.

The plot itself was incredibly twisted. Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen the book proved me wrong. The story is as twisted as the streets of Ketterdam are and almost as dark in some of its parts. Together with the awesome world building one simply cannot not want to stay with this incredible gang.

While I have to confess that I really loved how Bardugo chose to end the book, I’m still a bit numb about certain events that took place. I want to know more about this world, about these characters. I want to go through another adventure with them. But looking at it ignoring my enormous love for this series – the ending was perfect. There were many things left open for imagination – most of all what the characters will do after the book and without the readers watching their every steps. I adore Bardugo’s writings style and the decisions that she made.

As after finishing Six of Crows I would strongly recommend reading the Grisha Trilogy first since you might encounter some major spoilers of the ending if you don’t. Also there are some of the characters of the trilogy appearing in Crooked Kingdom and the joy you feel while reading about them again is simply overwhelming. As I said – my thoughts are still not ordered enough to write something acceptable bur still I had to let all of the emotions out.

The rating:

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